When political careers trump conscience, Australia's heart exudes the stench of manure

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When political careers trump conscience, Australia's heart exudes the stench of manure

Media Release
Friday August 1, 2014 10:30am WST
For Immediate Release
No Embargoes

"Yesterday's damning revelations of systematic, government-sponsored child abuse and child torture by policy-design during the Human Rights Commission Inquiry hearings is for many refugee advocates a game changer, but the stench Australia's asylum seeker policy torture emanates will keep wafting around the world, until front benchers inside the Liberal Party and inside the Labor Party stop fouling themselves with the stench of party-political spin and their idiot-nonsense media comments that seek to avoid exposing their own personal and direct responsibility for deliberately inflicting permanent psychological damage on thousands of children, women and men in our detention centre hell holes," WA Human Rights group Project SafeCom said today.

"The lot of you are guilty as hell in this mess, but today I will point a dirty finger squarely at Joe Hockey and Tanya Plibersek - just to get started," spokesman Jack H Smit said. "It is Joe Hockey who was happy to tell Annabel Crabb during the ABC 'Kitchen Cabinet' television series that he thought that the policy of mandatory detention of asylum seekers was "a sick joke", but there is a deafening silence from Hockey when it comes to not just yesterday's hearings but everywhere around the place. Hockey has lowered himself to become a nonsensical drone and a puppeteer's clone when it comes to asylum seeker policies. His career as a front bencher is more important than that asylum seekers in our detention centres are dying, or dying slowly inside, or that children as young as eight to twelve years of age desperately want to die in our detention centres."

"Oh yes, Tanya Plibersek, I will remember you until the day I die," Mr Smit said. "I will remember you as the 'almost spokeswoman' for the children in detention group ChilOut in the years following Tampa, and I will remember you as the Member of Parliament who slammed the phone down and who hung up on me the last time we talked, because you came too close to saying things that may have jeopardised your career inside the Federal Parliamentary Labor Party. Today I will remind all Australians of that other central theme in Australia's media landscape this week - one you were so vocal about on Tuesday, 17 September 2002 in the House of Reps (Ministerial Statements, Foreign Affairs: Iraq), when you said (House Hansard, page 6455):

"...I can think of a rogue state which consistently ignores UN resolutions, whose ruler is a war criminal responsible for the massacres of civilians in refugee camps outside its borders. The US supports and funds this country. This year it gave it a blank cheque to continue its repression of its enemies. It uses US military hardware to bulldoze homes and kill civilians. It is called Israel, and the war criminal is Ariel Sharon. Needless to say, the US does not mention the UN resolutions that Israel has ignored for 30 years; it just continues sending the money..."

"Where is your voice now, Tanya Plibersek? Is it more important to keep your 'Foreign Affairs Minister Wannabe" aspirations alive while children die in our detention centres?"

"The lot of you be damned," Mr Smit said. "You think of it as 'immigration policy', but all I see is a huge cauldron, full of the excrement of all those on the front bench of the Labor Party and the Liberals, atop the centre table of the House of Representatives - books and treasure chest removed - stirred with ex-Hillsong Pentecostal zeal by Scott Morrison, a cauldron with a fire underneath, stoked by an old man with white drawn leathery skin, the Father of the House Philip Ruddock, who perniciously monitors the temperature under the Parliamentary Witches Cauldron of Asylum Policy, while making absolutely sure he remains outside the view of the cameras in the House."

"Perhaps it's time to break the "holy seal" of not speaking your own mind, loudly and clearly, arrestingly and bluntly, inside the Parliament and outside, at opportune and inopportune times - because Australia's national conscience demands it. Tanya Plibersek, Joe Hockey and the lot of you will need to remember that the stench of your own excrement in that Parliamentary Cauldron does not just characterise the odour in the House of Representatives and Senate, but that it wafts all over this country and right around the world - all this at the same time as the lives and spirits of thousands of children, women and men in our detention centres are irreversibly destroyed."

Jack H Smit
Project SafeCom Inc.
[phone number posted]

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