Our stored HTML newsletters and action alerts
Very early on in the life of Project SafeCom we occasionally issued and broadcast compilations of News items in the form of emailed HTML Newsletters and alerts.
In August 2002 we sent our first and eleborate News item to all our supporters and colleagues, followed by another one in November that year. We repeated the initiative when nationwide outrage erupted as a result of the 2005 Anti-terrorism Bills.
Because of the work involved in the creation and compilation of those early Newsletters, we couldn't keep up the work associated with them, but from 2009, after the creation of our new database platform we've started to use the pure HTML News alerts again to broadcast our news and progress periodically.
Below are the links that open a small selection of the newsletters and action alerts sent in this way.
Don't confuse the news alerts listed and linked on this page with the Project SafeCom News and Updates. For more than 15 years, our renowned Updates was a subscription-based service, now no longer open for new subscribers. Here are some newsletter samples to peruse.
Our weekly News and Updates have kept hundreds of human rights advocates, refugee rights activists, lawyers, migration agents, politicians and many of our members and supporters informed about the state of affairs around Australia since the Tampa Affair in 2001.
16 February 2015: Weekly News and Updates: Sample newsletters - A page with sample newsletters, from 2015 onwards, from the renowned Project SafeCom News and Updates, published since 2002.
30 March 2006: Our Newsletter Survey: What you told us - In March 2006 we conducted a Poll amongst the subscribers to our highly regarded Project SafeCom News and Updates. This page outlines and analyses the results of that survey.
1 February 2006: Project SafeCom's higly acclaimed News and Updates - our (almost Daily) News and Updates have kept hundreds of human rights advocates, refugee rights activists, lawyers, migration agents, politicians and many of our members and supporters informed about the state of affairs around Australia since the Tampa Affair in 2001. Here's the subscription page.