JohnHowardLies website traffic explodes

Project SafeCom Inc.
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JohnHowardLies website traffic explodes

Media Release
Friday July 16 2004 16:15pm WST
For Immediate Release
No Embargoes

The controversial website "" has revealed in its most recent News Update how hundreds of thousands of Australians flock to access the website.

Its News Update of Friday 16 July states:

"We may have started Australia's first and fastest growing grassroots internet movement. Australians are flooding to in their thousands. We've had 18,000 visitors to the site between 6am and 1pm today - Friday 16 July - alone! Our web statistics for the month of July as at 1pm today are staggering:"

"HITS: 670,000 | PAGE VIEWS: 175,000 | VISITS: 41,000"

"The online Anti-Howard campaign heats up, which stated that the use of websites in an election campaign may well develop to something "larger than possibly ever before in an Australian Federal election" seems to have been accurate - the media release was picked up by AAP and subsequently the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age posted articles online about the various websites."

"The fact that the Special Minister of State Eric Abetts has publicly announced that he intends to seek whether the Australian Electoral Commission should prosecute the owners of the website for possible breaches and the publicity asssociated with it, has as its unintended result, that now the campaign has sprinted forward in its success."

"No matter what the electoral outcome may eventually be, the views of website developers such as and now also the more recent satirical online production, a website defending the Prime Minister's democratic right to lie to the Australian people, will now not go unnoticed, and the campaign has reached its intent: to bring its views to the notice of a maximum number of Australian citizens."

For more information:

Jack H Smit
Project SafeCom Inc.
[phone number posted]

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