"Refused" Iraqi refugees' home bombed to pulp, but no word from Nauru

Project SafeCom Inc.
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Western Australia 6312
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"Refused" Iraqi refugees' home bombed to pulp, but no word from Nauru

Media Release
Wednesday November 10 2004 11:30am WST
For Immediate Release
No Embargoes

"The day that coalition forces, under the eye of the Iraqi interim government, bomb 'the living daylights' out of the city of Fallujah, should also be the day that the Howard government gives permanent protection to Iraqis we hold at ransom on Nauru", Project SafeCom's spokesman Jack H Smit said today.

"The hypocrisy of the Howard government seems to know no end, and there is still no word on whether the Howard government will apply decency and humanity to the almost fifty Iraqis who have been held captive on Nauru for years now."

"We bomb their home country into oblivion while we ban the courageous ones who ran away from Saddam Hussein to a remote island. It seems that we keep them on Nauru, because without them the bankrupt state would collapse."

"Holding the Iraqis on Nauru is a crime against humanity, and the government needs to offer permanent protection to all of them."

For more information:

Jack H Smit
Project SafeCom Inc.
[phone number posted]

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