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Hazara children weaving a carpet
Markaz-e Qaleen Bafi, Quetta, Pakistan: Hazara kids making carpets. Photo from

Hazara Es, and stuck on Lombok

Sunday 12 January 2004: Hunger strikers and refugees stuck on the Indonesian Island of Lombok have emailed their story to refugee advocates in Australia, and from the story it becomes clear that they are all refugees "pushed back" from Ashmore Reef by the Royal Australian NAVY in October 2001, the lead-up to the last Federal Election.

They have told advocates about their agony about the treatment by Australian forces, which includes their memories of a member of what they called the "Commandos" crying about their circumstances and the state of their vessels. They confirmed that they asked for asylum when they met RAN vessels at Ashmore Reef, "surely in Australian water".

Related pages

26 August 2006: The 'Flotsam' Downflow from Indonesia - Without the Migration Bill, will Indonesia dump their refugees on our shores? A reflection on the Burmese refugees and the "coincidence" of the timing of their arrival on Asmore Reef. Includes former diplomat Tony Kevin's speech on Australia-Indonesian relations at an Uniya seminar.

20 April 2004: Afghani Asylum Seekers and Refugees in the Republic of Indonesia - Hassan Ghulam, who went to Indonesian holding camps such as the one on Lombok, states that UNHCR needs to consider revising its approach and methods, to bring them into line with contemporary expectations and technology.

20 April 2004: The Missing refugees: did they embark from Indonesia? - Recently we received a request from friends in Indonesia, who asked our help to find out what happened to six refugees who were with them in Indonesia, but who have been missing since December 1999.

4 April 2004: Australia and "the queue", a Project SafeCom study - Because most boats attempting to reach Australia's migration zone sail from Indonesian ports, many of them embarking from an Indonesian refugee camp, Australia's failure to fully address the refugee load jointly with Indonesia and its Jakarta UNHCR office, is partly responsible for creating "the boat people problem".

18 March 2004: Force Feeding Hunger striking asylum seekers - An academic paper by Mary-Anne Kenny, Derrick Silove & Zachary Steel: Legal and ethical implications of medically enforced feeding of detained asylum seekers on hunger strike. If called upon to treat hunger strikers, [Australian] medical practitioners should be aware of their ethical and legal responsibilities, and that they should act independently of government or institutional interests.

11 January 2004: Signing up for Death: the hunger strike on Nauru - The hunger strike has slowly fizzled out after more than four weeks. But if those 'unlucky ones' who are not 'selected' for re-determination stay behind on the Island, there will be another disaster in the future. Only if they receive an offer of protection status in Australia ... further disaster can be averted.

On a Hunger Strike

Message received 11 Jan 2004
2.13am Sydney time

Dear Sir/Madam

Today 10th of January 2004 Niamatullah sewed his lips and two others Sattar fifteen years old boy and Naby little older than Sattar joined hunger strikes that the number of strikers is 9 by today but at 6 PM local time Ali Reza and Mohammed Amin who sewed their lips were taken to local hospital of Mataram and now they are under treatment of Docters.

We seek asylum in all save countries of the world, we want to live like human and need humanity like you and millions of people of the world. Afghan Asylum Seekers.

But unfortunately still there is not any leniency from UNHCR toward stateless refugees.

Afghan Refugees
Lombok, Indonesia

Afghan Refugees Lombok Indonesia answer some questions

QUESTIONS: Lynne Murphy
ANSWERS: Afghan Refugees, Lombok Indonesia

QUESTION: Are you more people from Afghanistan that Australia has dumped somewhere else?

ANSWER: First we were 240 Refugees from Afghanistan and just nine or ten refugees from Iran when we reached in Ashmore Reef of Australia. Australian navy forces kept us there beside Ashmore Reef for seven days under hot sunshine, they said we wait for the decision of the government because you are illegal immigrants but we told them we are not illegal immigrants we are asylum seekers. After seven days they separated the families from singles and took the families to their own navy ship and pushed all 160 singles down inside boat where the capacity was just enough for 40 persons. Refer to file How did we go to Australia.

We are not in Detention we live in a place like a camp called Wisma Nusantara (I) in Mataram Lombok Indonesia. This camp is run by IOM that we only can receive food and place for sleeping nothing more. From 240 refugees we remained only 67 refugees 18 children 14 female 35 male. Around 40 people were accepted by UNHCR as refugee and more people returned back to Afghanistan and we 67 persons are still here suffer from statelessness.

QUESTION: Did you ask them for asylum into Australian waters?

ANSWER: Yes of course when we were stopped beside Ashmore Reef which is the land of Australia and water of Australia that they kept us for seven days, brought us the blankets and gave some emergency medical care. That was surely Australian water that we asked them for asylum.

QUESTION: Did Australia make any promises to you about your applications for asylum?

ANSWER: No, they did not promise us for asylum because we could never understand that they are returning us back to Indonesia we were sure that they will move us to Australia therefore we did not persist a lot on their decision about our refugee status. They pushed us back to Indonesia by tricks and zigzag way.

QUESTION: Has the UNHCR contacted you lately about your refugee status?

ANSWER: On 8th and 9th of January 2004 UNHCR sent two letters for us telling that we will not review the cases of those who are on strike nothing more.

QUESTION: Are you all Hazaras? Are you all from Afghanistan?

ANSWER: We are 67 people two singles Pashtun, six single Tajiks and the rest all are Hazaras and we all are from Afghanistan.

QUESTION: Are you locked up in detention?

ANSWER: No fortunately we are not locked up in detention, we can walk around here and there but have not any permission to work that having no job has deeply effected on psychology of refugees, having no money has badly aggravated their appearance. Statelessness.

QUESTION: What can we do to help you in your plight?

ANSWER: Of course we are really in need of help of yours and every one who feels of humanity. First we need that you broadcast all the news of us for whole world and if some one is found to feel sympathy for our depressed situation and as well try to convince UNHCR to understand our pathetic condition.

On the other hand I need to know that can you or any one of your friends help us as a lawyer that we can consult you and you also can be able to give the most possible suggestions for our plight that our sufferings must not end in vain if we do not know how to discuss with UNHCR.

You can explain this message of us for UNHCR and for everyone in the world that is it some thing easy that we are away from our closest relatives and friends for years and years and again we cannot dare to go back to see them? Naturally all the human characteristics are the same, indifferent of race, religion, sex and place. I mean that we need the same desires, requirements of life, freedom and human sentiment as you have and every one has throughout the world.

But when you ask any one of those who live in save countries about sewing lips or eating nothing for weeks and even months, certainly they will shock and would say this is not the human action and it is out of man's ability. But do they think that those sew their lips and go on hunger strike are from any other planet or they have any exceptional tolerance and talents that sewing lips is a simple action, of course not, neither they are from other planets nor they have any other extra ability more than every one in the world but what caused us to do so.

Can you imagine the depth of troubles in our life, which convinced us to choose the way of death cautiously? This is the last chance for us to make the world known about our bad condition if there is no place for our limited number of Afghan Refugees in this big world then we prefer to die and it is better too.

Now we try to get the attention of the world but after this again if there is no one to feel pity on us it means we are a burden of life for human that we are strongly displeased to be the trouble maker for human then we at least deserve death which is everyone's right to die.

Australia returned us back to Indonesia and many boats of refugees were taken to Nauru detention centers. The objective behind this action is that coming of refugees to Australia violates the rights of Australian citisens. The government of Australia insists the measures are needed to maintain the integrity of Australia's borders.

There are dosens of countries that they accept refugees but not those who are like us. Australia does not accept us as refugee because they want to give us examplary punishment till the whole world refugees must not rush to Australia. On the other hand UNHCR also does not accept a proper number of us as refugees because as it is analysed by some journalists that Australia was trying to convince UNHCR not to accept many refugees till the claims of Australia must come true that these boat people are not refugee.

How did we go to Australia?

Written by Ramezan Ali Nassery Malistany
11 January 2004

We - 240 Afghan Migrants are living in Indonesia more than one year. During this time we had traveled three to five times to Australia. Unfortunately we could not get there because the boats were crowded, inefficient and mostly were facing the break down which was nearly to cause death toll for passengers but accidentally we were rescued from death danger and remained alive. The passengers were returning back by psychological disappointment and physical illness.

The first time when the boat moved from Surabaya (a city of Indonesia) after three days our boat faced technical problem in Indonesian water that we remained in this boat for five days while having no food and drinking water with us. Days and nights we were rowing the boat in order to pull it to any seaside. Lastly we approached near an Island and we were about to get in that Island but storm was pushing the boat back to the middle of ocean. In this time a fishing boat appeared and wanted to save us but when they saw these much passengers are standing up on our boat the fishermen were frightened and escaped away. We remained with hot sunshine and deficiency of food, water and crying of women and children. It is notable that a day before this event the boat was nearly to be burnt due to carelessness of cooker that suddenly a big fire caught the last part of our boat. A brave passenger dared to catch the burner and throw it into the ocean and extinguished the fire. Finally, a fishing boat appeared and our captain got on that boat skillfully and agreed with them by two million Indonesian Rupiah to pull our boat to seaside. The tired, thirsty, hungry and unfortunate migrants stepped into Poso a part of Bima Island and found themselves among one hundred residents of that small Island. When the local people saw two hundred foreigners they surrounded us while equipped with sickles and knives.

In next time our boat lost the way into Christmas Island and we were perplexed for eighteen days on the ocean having no water and food and the intensity of waves possibly kept our boat turning around itself for five days and boat could not get out of whirlpool. Accidentally we saw a big ship by the name of SURYA is coming. We shook the scarves and hands so it stopped and our boat moved to it. They asked one person to come in their ship and tell them the matter when our boat wanted to move near the big ship our captain could not control the boat and it hit to the ship and all the passengers shouted dreadfully and front part of the boat was completely wrecked but captain could save it skillfully and ship of SURYA had gone away.

In another trip our boat got hole and the boat's engine was broken down in the ocean near to Jawa Island, fortunately it was near to Island and passengers gave light to the fishing boat at that time the generator wasn't able to evacuate the water from the boat and the passengers were evacuating the water from boat by bucket. The fishing boat reached soon and saved the passengers and after some moment our boat drowned in the ocean.

Totally we have experienced from three to five times such deadly events in the way to reach to the land of people who claim themselves the main human rights supporters in the world (we mean Australia).

On 3rd October 2001 in the last time in nine days trip we have lost one baby because of hot weather and having no food and water. And another baby was born in Australian water near Ashmore Reef (at five O'clock in early morning on 12th October 2001). This time due to extreme happiness the tears were coming from the eyes of all passengers because all of us believed that we could finally reached to Australia alive at 2 O'clock of night on 12th October 2001 and the navy forces stopped us at nine O'clock and we thought that it was the end of all calamities of our trip and we forgot all the past days problems which we had during many times travel on the ocean if we calculate all the days of our trip on the water in many times travel it becomes more than two months and half that we were moving on the water.

We believed that now it is the time to explain for the world the clumsy faces of Taliban Malitia and international terrorism and sorrowful condition of the oppressed of Afghan nation. Especially most of the passengers are from Hazara tribe who had been the victims of racial and religious discrimination and fanatic policies of all governments in Afghanistan.

Unfortunately it was the beginning of another unexpected tragedy in our life. This is one of the pathetic stories of human's life in history. The navy forces of Australia kept us in the small and smelly boat on the ocean beside Ashmore Reef under the unbearable hot sunshine for eight days. All the passengers infected to skin disease due to much perspiration and dirt in the boat. Australian Navy forces were giving food the only few morsels of half cooked rice to us once a day. Which was not enough for a small child. They also were telling us that we do not have more than this and it is the food of forty staffs of our navy ship that we are bringing for you 240 migrants. There was not enough health service to cure the sick people just they were giving all of us the same tablets to relief the pain and they were telling that we would treat you well in the camp. Especially a woman who gave birth to a child was in need of correct medical treatment and energetic food.

We were asking them that for how long we will stay here and why do not you take us to any Island of Australia. Australian Navy Commanders (Robert and Chad) were replying that "we are waiting for the ship which is coming from Australia and will take you to the camp because your boat is not able to carry you and we are surprised that how these240 people came with this small boat in this long dangerous way". During this time the navy custom came and counted us and noted the number of migrants.

Finally after six days the commandos came in our boat and said that we are taking you to the camp (In fact they just deceived us) so they separated the families from singles first they checked all of them from head to the foot thoroughly and transferred them to their own navy ship.

When they took the families to their ship we asked them where do you take the families they answered that your boat is small and the families are disturbed a lot so we take them in better place till single must be relaxed and families too. Then asked all the singles to come down inside the boat where forty persons were there. We requested them it is not possible for all of 160 persons to come together in a place, which is enough only for 40 persons. They said only for five minutes we want to tell some thing to you. Since they persisted a lot, all the 160 passengers came down inside the boat and sat on each other and some people were standing. Suddenly we saw the commandos coming to our boat. It was so much surprising for us that what these commandos came here for? All of them kept guard on upside of the boat and controlled us that we must not come up on the boat. They behaved with us so pitilessly that we have never imagined such character from human for human in our life.

They kept us down by force for two days in such place that the people cannot set and even breathe leave the food and sleep because there was not enough oxygen and as well there was much smoke of engine which was not up to the mark technically. This place had a small window, which was as a ventilator for that. The commandos even did not allow us to look out from that small window and in every five minutes one person was shocking and then he was taken to upside of the boat like a dead body then commandos were pouring water on his face or injecting him to become conscious after that throwing him down in same tight and smelly place. Such event was happening frequently and repeatedly and the commandos were laughing at them. Each person had the chance to go to toilet once in 24 hours who was accompanied by two commandos if any one was a little late they were knocking on the door and shouting that come out! And some people even could not get this chance too, especially on last night they took the ladder by which we were going to upside then to toilet so we remained there which was like a pitfall.

Pouring water on the face of shocked person and taking us to toilet and preventing of people from going upside the boat in order to inspire fresh air, were all activities of more than forty commandos. They behaved so pitilessly that it is not possible to be explained by words or even imagined and you will never know till you have tried. So this condition was not tolerable for us but since we thought that we are going to Australia we underwent all these suffocating condition.

When the families were taken to navy ship they were a little bit happy to go there, they thought that we are going to Australia by navy ship so it is better than this small boat. The commandos attached the tags on each person's hand to know the number of people. When they were taken to navy ship it was worse than our condition that all the families are placed in a small room where there was not any toilet. They cut barrel into half and put it in the corner of room in order to be used as toilet for 80 persons including young men, women and children. At inception it is not so much disturbing but lastly the smell of that barrel had confused all of the passengers, within these two days the families had the same problem regarding food and other behavior of commandos as singles.

Finally after two days in early morning the commandos' officer shouted: "you are returned back and now you are in Indonesian water." This sentence was like a thunder which hit on the passengers' mind and once we shocked and became perplexed, we asked them if you did not accept us why did not you submit us to UN and why you have deceived us and why ... and why ...!!?? But there was no ear to hear! Unfortunately, the commandos instead of logical reason replied us with electrical sticks, which they had with them, after a few minutes we observed that they have taken the families back to our small boat by force. Because no one was ready to come out of the navy ship they were throwing the children like an object in our boat and beating the men, women and children so badly. By observing this scene some of commandos were weeping but their commander was taking them to the captain's room even one of the commandos hit his head to the wall of the boat. They broke down the engine of boat and have taken the oil and generator with themselves They did so till we cannot go back to Australia again and these commandos escaped by speed boat to the navy ship which had brought the families and run away.

Then we remained with broken down engine and having no oil and generator in order to evacuate the water from our boat in the heart of ocean. If after some hours the fishermen of Indonesia were not coming to us 240 passengers were likely were drowning in the ocean.

After all these tragedy we came back to Roti Island of Indonesia and we were taken to a mosque named ALMUHAHIRIN MASJID in Rotie. The local people gave us food as charity to us for three days after that the police of Rotie brought us to Kupang Island where we lived for forty days in police school named SPN (sekolah polisi negara) at which fifty persons stayed in one dirty hall, we did not have sufficient water to take bath or wash our faces and skin disease which originated from travel on the boat was increasing day by day.

After forty days we were taken to an Island named Lombok (Mata ram - Wisma Nusantara 1) and this is more than thirteen months that we live in the world of ambiguity. We cannot go back to our country because of the very problems (racial and religious discrimination by specific groups), which we had and still we have.

Our present condition in Indonesia

Written by Ramezan Ali Nassery Malistany
11 January 2004

Dear readers,

We Afghan Refugees are suffering from an intolerable and unimaginable condition that we have never dreamed it in our life. We lost our hope, money, friends, relatives and our own life. While this type of condition was not the real aim of our migration. We had attempted to find a shelter to save our life and make a better future especially for our children. Unluckily we were the most unfortunate migrants who trapped in the darkness and became the victims for terrorist actions of Usama Bin Laden. That since his existence in Afghanistan the world sees us with insulting eyes and do not consider us like what they did before. So we are kept out of their mercy and pity.

With consideration to above mentioned problems and other difficulties we Afghan Refugees are living in Wisma Nusantara (1) kindly request from all the philanthropists and wise men of the world comprehend our condition and do not deprive us from their philanthropic assistance. We have the storm of dangerous problems if they are not solved we may face human tragedy especially about children.

Children ask their parents to buy for them some things they see with other children and the parents cannot pay because they do not have money. So this type of behavior troubles the psychology of children if we think deeply and more dangerous than this we have recently found that children are begging in Indonesian houses and some times they stand by the road and ask passers by to give them money. In this way they can please themselves if cannot get money from their parents.

My dears you yourself think about this circumstance if such process continues with us the children may steal some thing if they cannot find money by begging and step by step they may commit more illegal actions which is likely to be the base of human tragedy because by committing such illegal actions the people are sentenced to death or life imprisonment and many other punishment. Our mind shocks when we see our children in such poisonous position our body feels numb that what destiny we have faced. We wanted to make a better future for them we not only make their future but we cannot keep them in the normal condition they had.

As it was mentioned above that we lost all the way of incomes as we lost our relatives and money because the relatives also cut their hope from us and smugglers also do not give money because the way is closed and we fell in the dark well where there is no one to help us except some volunteers who just can think of humanity and feel pity on us we are ready to tolerate any kind of troubles but we never want our children to lose their human characteristics and be changed into intruders, beggars, criminals and disturbing for us and for society.

The disappointing prospective and endless obscurity in our life also caused tension in every individual's mind that are on threshold of erosion physically and psychologically. Some are busy with their lessons that we had arranged the courses of English Language and Computer programs but some are not able to do so due having no such educational facilities and materials.

Afghanistan's condition seems dark and dark that no one can predict and be hopeful of its future. On other hand UN also does not give the result of our interviews when we ask they respond that we are waiting for shifty and unstable condition of Afghanistan then the result of every one would be clear and given. While we have already and obviously experienced that in 23 years of civil war and massacres the condition was changed into worse and worse. Now according to UN we must wait many years again to know what will happen in Afghanistan. Then itself is a new type-surprising story for us. In this case we will suffer from life imprisonment unexpectedly.

Now we hope that humanitarian communities pay attention to our problems and do not let us to be kept in isolation and be forgotten.

It is a brief story about our terrible travel in the way of Australia for seeking asylum in that country. We wish that none of human species face to this kind of catastrophe.

It is mentionable that Australian commandos beat the people black and blue that we have taken the photo of the effected persons' body if needed we can show them.

We moved from Surabaya of Indonesia on 3rd October 2001

We were stopped by navy forces at nine o'clock we reached to Ashmore Reef after two hours on 12th October 2001.

We moved on 17th October back to Indonesia.

We got in Indonesian Island on 19th October 2001 (It is mentionable that the way from Ashmore Reef to Rotie Island is normally 13 hours long but we were brought by Australian within 48 hours Because they moved us in a zigzag way that we should not understand, where are we going to?)

An Update after four days

Written by Ramezan Ali Nassery Malistany
Teacher of English and computer classes
With the Afghan Refugees, Indonesia
Email: nasserymalistany(at)

Dear Sir/Madam

We request you to give this report to other news agencies too.

Today Sunday noon 11th of January 2004 is nearly four days (90 hours) passed from our hunger strike and two of nine hunger strikers became unconscious yesterday afternoon and two of them today noon. All were taken to local hospital but unfortunately UNHCR even did not show any slight leniency toward homeless stranded afghan refugees who are dying because of statelessness. We humbly beg UNHCR and every affectionate persons of the world to hear us, to help us that we are the most deprived refugees in the world. We are beseeching the logical feelings of all wise personalities of humanitarian countries that insecurity, robbery, injustice etc are the most potential threatening of death and ambush in Afghanistan if we are returned back. Since UNHCR is encouraging us to go back to Afghanistan, we are deeply frightened from outcome of this behavior. Therefore we had no other options to choose and to get the attention of the world except sewing lips and hunger strike. If still there is any other way of solution and reconciliatory steps including true commitment for our plight we welcome that as soon as possible.

UNHCR has just told to us and to world news that we are processing the cases of those who did not join hunger strike. First there is not given any commitment that they give the result soon and must await us for one more year as they did and as well it is possible after processing the cases again they reject all of us and force us to return home.

We need bilateral and multilateral understandings about our miserable life, we request from UNHCR and all other humanitarian countries to come to us and discuss the problems of us together. If UNHCR and any one else who attends this session convinced us logically on the bases of new information that Afghanistan is a safe country and Afghan Refugees must be returned back to Afghanistan. All of us will go back in one charter flight to Kabul. In case if they cannot substantiate and prove the safety of us in Afghanistan, if there is still insecurity while UN officials themselves also confess the deteriorating situation of Afghanistan then UNHCR must find any solution for our life and give us our equal human rights that we can be able to live like the rest of human of world. Why we are kept in refugee camp like prisoners for more than two years.

Afghan Refugees
Mataram, Lombok, Indonesia

Afghan Refugees on Lombok suspend hunger strike

From: Afghan Refugees, Lombok, Indonesia
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 2:26 AM

Thanks too much from sympathising us and expressing your deep love and cooperation with us. i will you more next time and as well I will be able to chat with you too in next coming days but not now because we had hunger strikes for seven that we have just stopped it now i am really tired too much.

This is a slight information about our todays meeting with UNHCR protection officer in Lombok.

First I read this article for him then we started our talkings in Police Station of here:

Respectable sir and dear audience and news reporters,

We have found ourselves together here through cooperation and nice hospitality of Indonesian government and its polite citizens as we have experienced the most sympathetic and friendly behaviors from Indonesian people and government which is unforgettable for us.

IOM has also did its best in accommodation, food and emergency medical care.

We welcome UNHCR Protection Officer Mr. Shinji Kubo and the refugees are pleased to understand that UNHCR gives human value and you came here to listen to our pains and grieve.

We deeply appreciate the fellow feelings of Indonesian news reporters and other news agencies that helped us by broadcasting and explaining our life concerns and problems.

May be it is not pleasant for you to see Afghan Refugees stitched their lips and did not eat and drink for seven days. We and every one know that this is not a proper action for a man to put himself on threshold of death, which is also the most complicated way.

Of course this hunger strike causes many questions and difficulties for UNHCR and IOM too. Basically UNHCR is the one to be responsible for determining refugee status of stranded refugee in Lombok. On this basis we afghan refugees in lombok have sought all possible ways till our problems should be solved, we all together sent many requests and letters to UNHCR. We also talked with UNHCR officials directly by telephone calls and as well face to face that for how long we should be like this in here. Regretfully None of all these options could work.

But I need to make it clear that stitching lips and going on Hunger Strike is not a simple action. This long years of statelessness and confused circumstances of our life on the other hand the deteriorating situation of Afghanistan both have played key role in our deep concern that compelled us to do something till we be heard. We do not know that in reality and logically hunger strike and stitching the lips are a right action or a wrong one. But it is the only way for the most deprived category of human society to do when all the doors are closed, when we feel completely disappointed and forgotten, when we have no other options for finding any way of solution. Suppose if some one curses and consider an impolite action against human life we need to know what kind of right way he or she knows that we should follow to come out of this long years of statelessness. While this is three years that we live in Indonesia. Most of Indonesians do not know about Afghan Refugees of Lombok, forget about the rest of the countries of the world. If no one knows our existence in here how can we expect that some one help us?

We respect the refugee mandate and values of UNHCR; likewise UNHCR is also expected to adopt the most proportionate procedure for basic requirements of life of stranded Afghan asylum seekers. This is three years that we live in Indonesia deprived of the rights that every one must have in the world. How much did we suffer during this long time, is not possible to be explained by this piece of paper.

On the other hand IOM officials without any consideration to our situation in Afghanistan encourage us to go back home which adds salt on our wounded heart, this type of encouragement may lead to our death but they feel it some thing very simple.

While two years passed from the interim government of Hamid Karzay in Afghanistan that the super power countries of the world like U.S.A. and British Government support this government, the security problems is going to be higher as compare to the time of Taliban Militia.

Have you ever thought of it that why Afghanistan face more problems day by day?

Because the same former local commanders and criminals who used to commit crime and loot common people's wealth for decades, have placed themselves in the key departments of new government and they appear in afghan society with more strengthened position and independence. Just their face and names are changed but they are the same cruel leaders of 25 years civil war of Afghanistan. Now it is very difficult to change their animal characteristics and short sightedness.

As example Last year a woman by the name of Sima Samar and some days ago a 23 years old girl by the name of Mlalay Joya both explained the wrong actions of Afghan Mujahid leaders, both were threatened to death and as well UN secretary General Kofi Annan expressed his deep concern about Afghanistan security condition and said Afghanistan faced to a critical juncture and it may disrupt the upcoming election.

On the other hand Lakhtar Ibarhimy the special representative of UN on Afghanistan issue asserted his disappointment about Afghanistan and explained that I know police, leader, Mujahids that each of them commit crime, rape the girls and women, loot the wealth of common people and do whatever they want.

At the end we hope that UNHCR take a right decision for our future with consideration to the present circumstances of Afghanistan and pay attention to new problems of Afghan Refugees.

This is the summary of our talkings

Hi dear friends

Today I am late to send you reports about afghan refugees' Hunger Strike in Lombok Indonesia. Because we had a meeting with UNHCR Protection Officer Mr. Shinji Kubo regarding our problems that I write some parts of it.

UNHCR has urged Afghan Refugees who are in Lombok to stop your hunger strike and give us the time to review your files and get the most updated country information to decide about your cases. If you go on with hunger strike UNHCR will not be able to review the cases of those who are on hunger strike.

UNHCR Protection Officer Mr. Shinji Kubo promised that we will give you the result on 1of March 2004 but he did not make it clear that how many of refugees will get positive and how many will get negative result because the decision will be made after the process is completed which will take around 45 days.

Therefore our hunger strike is suspended till we know that what will be the decision of UNHCR.

Afghan Refugees
Mataram Lombok